Dermaplaning Aftercare

1. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!

The most important tip I can give you post Dermaplaning is to make sure you’re applying SPF daily – and enough of it! 

3-5 days post Dermaplaning, your skin is more prone to sun damage and sun-ageing than a normal day. In this time, make sure you’re not planning to spend any time out in the sun and please ensure you apply sunscreen every day and reapply every 3 hours to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Dermaplane and receive the results you’re after.

2. No Exfoliating for 5-7 days

Dermaplaning has removed all the dead skin cells from your skin, so if you use an at home exfoliant on your already fresh skin, chances are you’re going to strip your skin of its healthy natural barrier and cause sensitive, raw skin that will probably be painful and sore. This includes ensuring you use no AHA or BHA chemical exfoliant products for this time.

3. Minimise other active products for 2-3 days

Especially vitamin A and C products. Both can irritate freshly Dermaplaned skin for 2-3 days. During this time, ensure you use gentle and hydrating products on your fresh skin.

4. Use more moisturiser than usual

You’ll leave your Dermaplaning appointment with beautifully soft and hydrated skin – so you’ll want to keep it that way by maintaining moisture levels at home during the healing process. It’s normal sometimes in the 5-7 days post Dermaplane treatment to flake or peels a tiny bit, so to avoid that as much as possible, try to use more moisturiser at night, in the morning and throughout the day as you feel is needed.

5. No sweaty exercise for 24 hours

Your skin will be more sensitive than usual during this time after Dermaplaning and whilst it is healing you want to avoid any excess sweating to avoid unnecessary irritation and breakouts.

6. NO touching your skin!

Touching your face can introduce bacteria to the skin and irritate. So, it’s best to avoid touching your face as much as possible after dermaplaning

7. NO makeup for 12 hours

This is a minimum – ideally a good 24 hours without makeup is great, although the minimum is 12 hours. 

Mascara and eyeliner are fine, and so is lipstick. But the foundation, blush, concealer, Bronzer, or even BB or CC cream is a NO. Only sunscreen, hydrating serums and hydrating moisturisers are to be on your skin for the first 12 hours.